Friday 22 November 2013

The Stress level increased!

Assalamualaikum readers, 

I'm in my Kampung now. Last Thursday i went to the clinic and was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. It reads 169/98 hows that? the Doctor gave me MC and i took a leave and head straight back to my hometown. Mom was worried, so is dad. Macam2 petua diorang suh i amal, makan etc. They even brought me to an Ion Therapy by Water session. It wonders me... i'm going there again tomorrow. That will be another post ok. 

The most major change is that i received a call from the Landlord in Shah Alam that they need us to vacate the house end of December. This was no surprise to us. She told us earlier but we asked for January 14 instead but i guess she had accepted a deal on the house. I need to get a house. Fast. Movers, packing etc. My budget lari sudah... huhu... 

Plus, this is my first trip home after almost 1 month from my E-Day the ther day. The only time me and mum discussed face to face. Kalu tak always ada misunderstanding via phone and smsses. Nikah pans will run as planned. InsyaAllah. 60% are completed. But, the tricky part is the reception in Shah Alam. I gueesed mum had been listening to Ustaz Azhar Udrus and a few other motivators for parents of the bride and groom. She and dad thought our reception in Shah Alam was too grand and big for us. Wasting kata mama... that's her fav words since Nadia's wedding lagi. So.... there might be major changes to ur reception plan. I had to see and discuss my Enchek Tunang and family first. Hopeflly whatever the new plan will be... hope it's smooth sailing, not a burden to anyone and ease our life after ceremony. 

Hmm... No wonder my BP gone peaks! Huhu... mana mana lah... there will always come this part where you will just let what goes by goes by... apa apa lah.. whatever lah.. to some extend.. i would say.. "can i have just the nikah ceremony and not the reception i.e walimatul urus?". I'm inviting my family and relatives and neighbours. I will tell friends of our wedding. I will post up pictures of the ceremony in the blog. So the purpose of teling the world that we are a married halal and legal newly wed couple is done. Cuma org mungkin kata kami ni... selfish la kan... and one once said to me "Depa bayar ka duit sewa umah, keta, makan pakai hang leaih kawen? Depa bayaq ka uit caterer, dewan mak andam etc tu?"... and me and enchek tunang are stuck... biorlah. apa yang mampu je lah.. mampu memuaskan hati mak bapak kami. Itu yang penting... syurga kami asih kat mak bapak selagi akad belum dijab kabulkan. Betul tak... Haiyoh friends.. i really need advise. 

Ok. Done with the ramblings.. until then. Have a great weekend!



Friday 15 November 2013

Reminiscing the old days...

Assalamualaikum readers,

It's a weekend in Alor Setar... so happy weekends ya. I had some projects renovating my kitchen with the land lord. Dum dam dum bising bunyinya. Dust were everywhere. While waiting for the contractors to settle for the day, i chatted via the FB with my BFFs. Felt lucky to have more than one BFF. 

One updated me about my dear friend. He's doing good and soon to be promoted. My other BFF reminded my days when i was in school. Oh girls, i missed you so so so much. School was my best days. I was in the science stream (back then we have science, engineered science, art & literature, economics and commerce). But i took a few paper in the art stream... so i major in science and minor in art. But i scored A1 for art and just enough for science.. haha should've taken art as my major instead. 

Monday 11 November 2013

A Blogger: Being Invincible, Known or The Ultimate.


Hi readers!

This is just my every day random thoughts. I was updating the blog here and there and it suddenly came to my mind. The first intention of posting or even start your own blog is to just write. Anything under the sun, under the ocean... anything. Usually a simple minded blog writer would write their everyday routine.. waking up, brushed, bathed, make up the bed, breakfast, and yada yada yada... It then goes to your work, family, the nearby shops near your house, the park etc.

Life is just too big to share in just one blog. One has a mind that is different from another. The Malays says it "Rambut sama hitam, hati siapa tahu" or "Darah sama merah" anything alike but there will be an obvious different even in twins. Back to the blogger, the same formula applies. I have my own set of mind. So are you. But i may not be as intelligent and IT minded or business minded as any of you out there. Some may have the character of a perfectionist who always looks at one thing clean, neat, smart, in line and rulers. Some prefer messy, boxed, empty and spacious, dirty etc. Some will look at the dustbin as an inspiration, an art while another may see it as something that you have to get rid off.

Sunday 10 November 2013

My chamber or just my bad diet plan?

Assalamualaikum readers,

Hai again. I'm not just sure why everytime i masuk in my chamber, i felt dizzy and spinning. My chamber or is it my bad diet plan... hmm... i've updated my Wedding Prep blog via the Wedding Prep page. If you have the time, do read them. 

Owh... i feel terrible. I think my diet plan lah... i need nasi jugak. Mcm mana nk pakai baju pengantin ni? Gemuk tak sudah~

Bye for now. I need to grab something for my breakfast, lunch and dinner (semua sekali... panggil apa tu ek?) Brunner! Hahahaha... see ya. Cheerios!



Saturday 9 November 2013

A day improved!

Hello readers,

Spent my whole day updating my blogs and sure more will come your way and i hope it's worth sharing. Kalau ada apa2 yang perlu diubah atau terkesan kat siapa2... maklum kat Anne cepat ek. I can make ammends right away. 

It's a challenge but hey it's a good one. Keeps me busy!

See ya around!



Thursday 7 November 2013


Assalamualaikum and Hello friends,

It's November 2013 and my last update was exactly the same month last year... hahaha... been so busy and neglected my blog. I am so so so very sorry. Ok. Make it simple...