Tuesday 23 October 2012


Assalamuaikum semua,

It's been a while. Aunty kakak was so busy with work and stuffs and happenings in my life. Last week my sister in law had a miscarriage. Then my little sister had a car crash and admitted to the hospital. Both are worrying things in my life plus the work. So, i've no time to update you guys. And the ATM vs Kelantan football game which i attended half time.. Yeay Kelantan won!! Heeee

Monday 8 October 2012

Camping Trip


How is your day today? Aunty kakak is doing fine. Ok hari ni aunty kakak nk story pasal time kitorang (me and my frens) pergi camping 2 hari satu malam. Buat BBq, main game, etc etc.. it was fun. I'll show you the pic's first. 

Sunday 7 October 2012

Almost A Year Already


Tak sedar hampir setahun Aunty kakak tak write blog. Aunty Kakak mungkin terlalu taksub dengan Facebook kot. Now that Aunty kakak da deactivate account FB, rasanya macam nk start blogging semula. Bukan sekadar nak hilangkan bosan, sebab kalau kat FB u have limited words to express. Salah post nnt ramai pulak yang terkecil hati terambil port dan tersentap jiwa.